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Writer's pictureRishi Suri

BRICS and India’s pivotal role in shaping a multipolar world

The BRICS grouping – consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – is one of the most significant global alliances today. Representing nearly 40% of the world’s population and 25% of the global GDP, BRICS has evolved into more than just a loose economic partnership; it has become a powerful forum for advocating for a rebalancing of global governance. The bloc is a voice for the Global South, challenging the dominance of Western-led institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, and even the United Nations.

At the heart of this growing influence is India, a nation that has emerged as a pivotal player within BRICS. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India’s role in BRICS has expanded beyond economic engagement to include strategic diplomacy, technological innovation, and a deep commitment to sustainable development. India’s leadership within the BRICS framework offers a vision of a multipolar world where developing economies have a greater say in shaping global governance structures, something that is particularly relevant as the geopolitical landscape undergoes rapid change.

India's Role in BRICS: A Bridge Between Worlds

India’s position in BRICS is unique. Unlike China and Russia, whose global ambitions are often seen as antagonistic to Western powers, India has managed to maintain a delicate balance between being a leading voice in the Global South while also cultivating strong ties with Western democracies. This independent foreign policy allows India to act as a bridge between the developed and developing worlds. For example, India has consistently pushed for reforms in global financial institutions such as the IMF and World Bank, advocating for a more equitable distribution of voting rights and influence for emerging economies.

At the same time, India’s leadership has emphasized sustainable and inclusive development. During the 2024 BRICS summit, India put forth a robust agenda focused on technology, green energy, and digital governance. This vision underscores the Modi government’s broader goals of transforming India into a global leader in innovation-driven growth. The emphasis on renewable energy, for instance, aligns with India’s domestic commitments to combat climate change while ensuring economic growth through sustainable means.

Moreover, India has used its BRICS platform to promote the concept of "Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas" (Collective Efforts, Inclusive Growth) on the global stage. India has sought to ensure that BRICS becomes a force for not just economic cooperation, but also for addressing pressing global challenges such as poverty, inequality, and climate change. In this regard, India has positioned itself as a leader in championing the interests of the Global South, pushing for a development model that is not merely extractive, but sustainable and inclusive.

Navigating BRICS While Counterbalancing China

Strategically, BRICS also serves as a critical platform for India to counterbalance China’s influence. Despite being part of the same bloc, the India-China relationship has been fraught with tension, especially in recent years due to border conflicts, economic competition, and strategic rivalry in Asia and beyond. However, India has used the BRICS forum to manage these tensions diplomatically, ensuring that it remains an influential player without being overshadowed by Beijing.

The recent thaw in India-China relations, which came to light during high-level diplomatic engagements in October 2024, is a significant development for both regional stability and the future of BRICS. For months, the relationship between the two Asian giants had been tense, primarily due to the border standoff in the Himalayas. However, recent talks signal a willingness on both sides to engage diplomatically and de-escalate tensions. This breakthrough is crucial, not just for the bilateral relationship, but also for the cohesion of BRICS itself.

India’s ability to navigate this complex relationship with China while still asserting its leadership within BRICS speaks volumes about its rising global stature. The thaw in relations allows for greater cooperation within BRICS, particularly on economic issues where both countries have common interests, such as trade, infrastructure development, and technology. This rapprochement also strengthens BRICS as a forum for stability in Asia, a region that has seen increasing geopolitical rivalry in recent years.

India's Vision for a Multipolar World

India’s role in BRICS is not just about economic leadership but about shaping the future of global governance. As the world transitions from a unipolar to a multipolar order, BRICS offers an alternative vision of global power structures, one that prioritizes equitable growth, regional cooperation, and the empowerment of the Global South. India is at the forefront of this shift, promoting a new paradigm where emerging economies have a seat at the table.

Looking ahead, BRICS is set to expand, with more countries from the Global South showing interest in joining the bloc. This expansion will further cement BRICS’ role as a counterweight to Western-led institutions. However, as the forum grows, India’s leadership will be critical in ensuring that the bloc remains united in its core mission of reforming global governance and representing the interests of developing nations.

Furthermore, as India positions itself as a global manufacturing hub, especially in critical sectors like semiconductors, pharmaceuticals, and digital technology, it will play a key role in shaping global supply chains. India’s leadership in BRICS will be essential in driving forward discussions on trade, investment, and economic cooperation, ensuring that emerging economies benefit from these global shifts.

A Stronger Voice for the Global South

In conclusion, BRICS is an important forum for reshaping the global order, and India’s leadership within the bloc is indispensable. Whether it is pushing for reforms in international institutions, advocating for sustainable development, or managing complex geopolitical relationships like the one with China, India is at the center of BRICS’ evolving role in global governance. The recent thaw in India-China relations further strengthens India’s position as a leader in both regional diplomacy and multilateral forums like BRICS.

As the world becomes more multipolar, India's role in BRICS will be key to ensuring that the voices of the Global South are heard, and that the global order becomes more balanced, just, and equitable.

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